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Showing posts from October, 2020

IOT and M/L driven analytics for manufacturing customers

This is a sample data architecture for a ERP centric landscape for a manufacturing customer . This fictional customer has IOT driven data analytics .  1. IOT sensors capture and stream data which is captured by the data layer 2. This data layer filters, cleanses and aggregates the IOT data  3. It takes out the pertinent data , for example the exceptional cases :               a.Temperature (it takes the records and timestamps when the part overheats)               b. Acceleration (for manufacturing company which makes automobiles , takes the values when the acceleration is not smooth )               c. Electrical outages (Voltage spikes ) 4. All this data is identified by unique Equipment ID .  5. This can be co-related against ERP and other applications (On Premise / SaaS )      which stores all maintainance cases and service orders againts the Eq...